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NAME (year)


Dirty Martini(55)

  • Geboren 21.11.1969

Miss Exotic World 2004, Miss Dirty Martini is one of the most recognized names in New Burlesque. Spearheading the New Burlesque revival in New York City and all over the world, she has become an underground celebrity and a favorite of the original legends of burlesque who performed in the 1940's and 1950's. Her audiences have given her rave reviews for her ground breaking, stereotype busting and innovative performances as well as her tributes to the legends of classic burlesque. She has headlined burlesque shows across the USA and all over the world and has been featured in the following books "New Burlesque", "Burlesque the New Bump and Grind" and "Burlesque From Gaslight to Spotlight". With the Cabaret New Burlesque, she has recently returned from sold out shows and private events in France, Italy, Hungary and Holland. She has performed alongside critically acclaimed comedienne Margaret Cho and burlesque superstar Dita VonTeese, and was featured in a 5 page editorial in V Magazine shot by fashion legend Karl Lagerfeld. Look for her feature length documentary Dirty Martini and the New Burlesque and the french film Tournee starring Mathieu Amalric which won best director and the international critics award at Cannes in 2010 jolting the festival and the 2011 Cesar Awards with the Cabaret's refreshing positivity and joi de vivre. A sought after "Burl-expert" Miss Martini's television appearances include AMC's Into Character, Sky TV's Lady Burlesque and Paris Premiere's airing of the Cabaret New Burlesque show filmed at Paris' historic Nouvelle Eve Theater followed by a documentary filmed in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.


Filme (2)

TournéeDirty Martini
ShortbusDirty Martini